Stellar Cloud Server Infrastructure
The Stellar Cloud Server infrastructure has been planned starting with the prerogative of offering servers able to give the best performances. In order to remain faithful to this goal we turned upside down the principle that all the other providers adopt.
We started from the performances we wanted to offer and then we have planned the architecture that can fit these demands.
VMware + HP
We have chosen the VMware architecture which is the top solution for Cloud and Virtualization systems, and another worldwide leader, HP, for servers and storage.
Small Cloud Cluster
Against the trend of the competitors, we have opted for a Small Cloud Cluster architecture. We have created a "finite capacity cloud"?. We must know the maximum number of Cloud Server to host in an infrastructure to guarantee great performances. Therefore we have fixed a maximum number of Cloud Server for each "Small Cloud Server"?. When a cluster reaches its maximum number of Cloud Servers, the new servers are created on another Small Cloud Cluster.
3 VMware Hosts Clusters
Every Small Cloud Cluster is composed of 3 VMware Hosts hosted on last generation HP DL360 servers, with double Intel Xeon E5 v3 CPUs, 192GB of RAM, double Network Card Interface for a total of 8 1Gb channels, and naturally double alimentation.
Storage: Direct Attached Storage with double 12Gb connections
The storage is connected to every VMware Host with a double 12Gb SAS connection to the two different controllers of the storage to guarantee Fault Tolerance. Disks are configured on several RAID6 volumes to gurantee a better reliability.
Security: Firewall, VLAN, Backup
Every Stellar Cloud Server is protected by a Front End and a Back End firewall that can be excluded, in needed, by associating the public IP address directly to the server or to your own firewall. Moreover, for every client an isolated and dedicated VLAN is created. A Backup service for Cloud Servers is present of a separated storage connected thru iSCSI to every Hypervisor.
Thanks to a dedicated panel it’s possible to independently manage your own Cloud Servers. For every technical needs it’s possible to require a dedicated support.